Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q    Suppose I wish to earn a license in a specific subject and I don’t have Framingham State University's required preparation in that subject?
    The appropriate academic departments will make an assessment of your academic record when it is submitted according to established procedures. The Office of Graduate Studies will inform you of any courses needed to fill in gaps in preparation.  (It is simply not possible to do a quick review of your record in order to give you a quick answer.  Academic transcripts are too varied in character and the importance of accuracy too great to permit anything less than careful evaluation).
Q     Suppose my undergraduate major was not in one of the liberal arts or sciences?  What should I do?
    If you want a license in a specific subject, the appropriate academic department will review your record and let you know what courses you need.  If elementary or early childhood licensure is your aim, you will need to make sure that you have adequate preparation in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and mathematics for success in the classroom and for passing the subject portion of the MTEL.  Consult with an advisor in the Center for Academic Support and Advising (CASA) at 508-626-4540.
    May I substitute prior experience or coursework for any of the elements of this program?
    Prior school experience will be evaluated by the Education Department to determine if a waiver of Field Study I is justified. Prior courses in education foundations, developmental psychology, and academic subjects will similarly be examined.  Courses involving Field Study II, Curriculum, or student teaching are not waivable.
Q     Can I be a full-time student?
A     For the most part, except for the Student Teaching Practicum, students attend this program on a part-time basis.  However, students taking academic subject courses may enroll full-time during the day, depending on course schedules.
Q     Suppose my working hours conflict with the program?
A     All in-school placements have to take place during the day. And, because of the need to hold classes at times convenient for most students, other classes may also be held during the day.  Your program will take careful planning also because not every course is offered every semester.  Inquire if you have specific concerns about conflicts with your work schedule.
Q     What’s the job market like?
A     In some subjects teaching positions go unfilled.  In others the competition is keener, especially during a period of economic downturn. Generally speaking, the picture is promising for Massachusetts teachers. A large number of teachers are reaching retirement age and a reviving economy should stimulate hiring.

Q   When is the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) administered and do you have workshops to help students prepare?
  The Commonwealth presently administers MTEL examinations several times a year. For further information and the most recent registration bulletin, please click here.

Q     Are there advisors to help answer the questions I have?
A     Yes.  For further information, consult with one of our admission advisors, by phone or zoom. Schedule your appointment here: